Sunday, July 3, 2011


well, some real solid packing has began. It is kind of freaking me out. I want to bring everything! I know I can't though argh. I need to be practical, and knowing me I will be buying clothes while I'm there so way over packing is just dumb. About 1-2 weeks before we leave I will be unpacking clothes, editing, and repacking them. I have had a few editing sessions but it is kinda hard to fully pack until I have packed for my vacation. Well that and the fact that I still have like 29 days until I leave. I am rambling, but whatever, no one reads this anyway. It's more of a time consuming vent for myself. haha.

wow, 29 days until we load up the truck and head out and 34 days until I meet my awesome roommate in person, 35 days until I move into my new apartment with hopefully some really amazing people, have an experience of a lifetime, and live/learn/earn in Walt Disney World. It should be pretty cool ")
mannnn, I really am going to miss a select few. The people who are a huge part in my life are going to be greatly missed but I have to remind myself that I will see them again, I'm not leaving forever...well I wont be in Florida forever at least.

Now that I realized that I only have 29 more days I still need to :
1. pack duh.
2. heavily clean up my room/bathroom lol
3. get a new checking account
4. pick up a mattress pad, under bed containers, and white board-cork board combo
5. wait patiently for the fact that I'm leaving to actually hit me
6. get all depressed because I'm actually leaving
7. finish my on board paperwork...I have been too lazy to sit down and finish it.
8. ...
I think there are only 7 things I need to do...maybe? I don't know. I will think about that one lol

anyway that's all for now

wait! I remember #8! Get a hair cut/ dye my hair.

okay now that's all :)

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