Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I just found this on google videos and boy am I excited!
It is the old school "World Tour" that use to play on loop in the Disney World Resorts =D

I found myself singing along and I still knew a lot or random things they would say
sad but awesome

this was the best resort loop ever
(just with new information...)

Well, this semester is almost over which means summer is almost here...which means summer better fly by so I can get to Disney already!

those who are stuck pending till April 30th
I don't know how you guys do it
I hate the wait to get there
I could only imagine the pending one
so good luck penders you have more patience than me!

I swear sense I have gotten accepted Disney related things have been everywhere!
I keep seeing natures hidden mickeys
my classes keep bringing up Disney related topics
that is the really weird one

Tangled IS OUT!
so is black swan which I am equally excited about!

and I digress

that is all for now!
enjoy the video ... I know I did!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My blog has been neglected...

Well not much news,
I auditioned in Austin
It was fun
We wont know anything for about a month.
The End.

Sadly I lost the photo challenge list so 30 days is now 18
oh well. 


Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 18

Today I got my "Audition Reminder" email!
It reminded me that I only have 6days left
till my audition
umm eek!
I'm so ready to get my audition over with!
believe me I'm excited but I'm nervous too
Once I finish the audition a weight will be lifted off my shoulders
I feel like this audition is the last step I have to take, until this summer, to get to Disney
If I do well *fingers crossed* then I will be uber excited
If I don't do as well as I hope then I will still be excited because hey, I'm going to Disney
to check in August 8th regardless!
Okay enough audition talk
On to the photo of the day

Day 18 :
Your Favorite Pixar Film

The Toy Story Series!
(they count as one because it is a continuation!)

Until next time...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

day 16 and 17

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Day 17 :
Your Least Favorite Classic

The Jungle book
I don't hate it, and I don't love it. I don't know why it just never made me as happy as the other classics. eh.

Day 16 :
Your Favorite Classic

I have a lot of "Favorite" classics but Cinderella comes to my mind first

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 15

Day 15 :
The First Movie You Saw

I'm not 100% sure but my best guess is
The Little Mermaid

Day 13 and 14

Keeping it basic today just the photos of the day
nothing more, nothing less..
without further adieu

Day 14 :
Your Favorite Kiss

Belle and the Beast!
(when he changes to a man duh!)
sooooo romantic...
I'm such a girl =P

Day 13 :
Least Favorite Song

We Are Siamese If You Please
Ewwww I hate this song!
It is so annoying
(Sorry if anyone loves it, but really?! gross)

Just will understand
It is actually so bad it's funny..

Well until next time have a magical day :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Photo days 8,9,10, 11, and 12!

WOW i have neglected my blog haha..oh well things happen.
For starters only 10 more days till my Audition!!
Yes I am nervous
I keep telling myself if I don't make it I will survive and still be checking in August 8th!
That doesn't seem to be working haha
Alas it is Spring Break! What will I be doing? Preparing for auditions and memorizing lines for Lend Me A Tenor!!!!

Now to catch up with my Disney Photo Challange!

Day 12 :
Your Favorite Villain Song

Be Prepared!
Scar-The Lion King

love love love
Amazing movie overall

Day 11 :
Favorite Love Song

My Favorites are Beauty And The Beast (Tale As Old As Time) and A Whole New World
Videos can't have a favorite song without the actual music!

Day 10 :
Favorite Disney Song
Part of Your World

:) <3 this movie

Day 9 :
Favorite Disney Guy

Well as of now it would have to be Flynn Rider!
Rapunzel is one lucky lady ;)

oh and pascal!

Day 8 :
Favorite Villain

Who has two thumbs and is absoluty awesome...This guy!
Hades for the win!

Well now I have caught up!
Until next time have a Magical Day

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

day 7

Day 7 :
Your favorite sidekick

 Louis! Best sidekick ever!

You sure this is the right blind voodoo lady who lives in the boat in the tree in the bayou?

Pretty sure.
Louis would give anything to play jazz with the big boys.

Prince Naveen:
So why don't you?

Oh, I tried once.

[Flashback: Louis climbs onto a river boat and starts playing along with a band; he is shot at as he jumps back out]

It didn't end well.
yes :)
until next time.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Photo day..

Day 6 :
Your favorite animal

GUS!!! he is too cute, how can you not love him :)

that's all for today I have a paper to write a paper on The Princess and the Frog and a midterm to study for!
hmm, maybe time is going by more quickly that I had thought.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Photo Day 5

Day 5 :
Your Favorite Hero

Guasimodo. He is ugly and all but he just wants to be viewed as a normal person. I like him because he is a very unlikely hero.

My auditions are coming up fast!
So I went on the Disney Audition web site and here are the tips I was given..

Audition Tips

When you go to an audition you want to put your very best foot forward. Here are a few tips to help you along.

Be on time

Remember that your audition begins even before you arrive! Be sure to plan enough preparation and travel time for your audition. We can't stress enough how important it is to arrive on-time to your audition... and in most cases this means at least 15 minutes before your scheduled audition time. Being late, no matter the reason, can negatively affect your audition, or prevent you from being seen altogether.

Headshot & Resume

No matter what kind of role you're auditioning for, it's a good idea to have a Headshot and Resume on hand.
Good quality photos on standard letter size paper are best. Make sure the photo you use is representative of the way you look now. If you change your appearance in any way, be sure to update your headshot. As you choose a photo, remember that your headshot is the calling card you leave behind for the Disney Casting team to remember you. Make sure it's the best possible representation of who you are.
Keep your resume to one page and list your most recent experience and accomplishments. Don't worry if you have limited experience.
Affix your resume securely to the back of your headshot, or have it printed directly on the back. Also, remember that we'll need to keep the photo & resume.

Well alrighty then Disney!

Until next time I leave you with some Hunchback of Notre Dame because of my hero of the day

Sunday, March 6, 2011

photo day 3 and 4

So I missed a day of posting for the 24hr plays we had going on Friday and Saturday which was fun and exausting. I will now catch up with photo days three and four :)

On a Disney CP note, I recieved my "Welcome To The Team!" email which made me excited and confused.
I mean, I thought I was welcomed to the team when I got my acceptance email and purple folder but thanks for the reminder Disney! I am trying to stop counting down until I get into the 30s because the high number is more of a downer than an upper for me at least. The days seem to be going by slower and slower and that is why I am trying to stop thinking about leaving for a little while, maybe the days will "speed up". wishful thinking.


Day Four
Your Favorite Prince

I just love Eric, even though I don't see how or why he is a prince. I just think he is really wealthy but it counts. In the long run Ariel makes him a prince of the sea...right?

Day 3
Your Favorite Heroines

I have three: Mulan, Esmeralda, and Meg...

These three women are all spunky and sassy. love love love.

Well until next time...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

photo challange day 2!

well day 2 : Your Favorite Princess

okay this one is hard...I cannot pick one I have four, yes four.

Belle, she isn't exactly a princess because they never have her actually marry the prince but I like to believe she does and regardless she is counted in the Disney Princess line up :)  I love her spunk and how sure of herself she is. Also I look most like her so that is also fun ha ha

Ariel, she is amazing. Look at that hair! I don't know about you but my hair doesn't look that amazing when I get out of water...or every for that matter! She knows what she wants and she will do anything to get it. Sure shes dumb in that aspect but there is something exciting about following your dream regardless how ridiculous it may be. She got her man and the life she wanted so it all worked out in the end. 

Uhh it's Cinderella... the end.

Okay so this little lady is sooooooo much fun and her bestie is pascal who is equally as awesome. She is new to us all but I hope she sticks around :)

So what I'm a little indecisive but I know what I like. It evens out..somehow. I'm so ready for my CP to start I am filling all my time talking about Disney or researching and making a Walt Disney World CP bucket list (coming soon!) I think I am going to go crazy! Whelp, I guess school will have to occupy my time, as it should.

Till next time <3

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So today is my birthday
I decided to cure some of the waiting time I would put fun facts about myself and Disney

Starting with the 30 day DISNEY photo challenge!

Day One.
Your Favorite Character!

Okay so my all time favorite character is Donald Duck
He has a bad rap but I think he is just a little misunderstood
In my opinion he is just so sassy and well just plain cool :)

Look at that smile, and the confidence he has to not wear pants is remarkable ha ha!

Lastly only 158 more days till my CP!
sure that seems like a long time butttt i'm closer to being there than not...right?
